How To Fix EP0NMF7B.DLL Not Found Errors [SOLVED]

In most cases, EP0NMF7B.DLL DLL file problems are due to the file missing or being corrupted (by malware / virus) in the Windows 7 Professional SP1 32-bit file store. Obtaining a new, uninfected copy of your DLL file will usually resolve the problem. In addition, if your EP0NMF7B.DLL error was due to a removed malware infection, we recommend running a registry scan to clean up any invalid file path references created by the malicious program.

The Dynamic Link Library, known as a propriety format of System Files, most commonly carry the DLL extension. If you need to replace your EP0NMF7B.DLL file, you can find a %%os%% version in our database listed in the table below. Some EP0NMF7B.DLL versions are not in our database, so please click the "Request" button to have our staff retrieve it. We also recommend contacting Microsoft directly if you cannot find your need version below.

Even though most problems related to errors assocated with EP0NMF7B.DLL should be fixed if placed in the correct directory, you should carry out a quick test to confirm. Re-open and test Windows 7 Professional SP1 32-bit to see if the issue has been successfully solved.

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EP0NMF7B.DLL File Summary
File Extension: DLL
Application Type: Operating System
Latest Software: Windows 7 Professional SP1 32-bit
Version: 2010
Author: Microsoft
File: EP0NMF7B.DLL  
KB: 53248
SHA-1: 109b5dbbdb78d7ea127261dc2bbd0901bc3a291c
MD5: 02e4d3f863d35823b23490b189b3b8db
CRC32: cc411710






File Name File ID (MD5 Checksum) File Size Download
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL 02e4d3f863d35823b23490b189b3b8db 52.00 KB
Program Windows 7 Professional SP1 32-bit 2010
Company Microsoft
OS Windows 7 Professional SP1 x32
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 53248
MD5 Checksum 02e4d3f863d35823b23490b189b3b8db
SHA1 Checksum 109b5dbbdb78d7ea127261dc2bbd0901bc3a291c
CRC32: cc411710
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL 81dc83220fbe34a46b4adc35c73045a9 59.50 KB
Program Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Standard SP2 2009
Company Dell
OS Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 60928
MD5 Checksum 81dc83220fbe34a46b4adc35c73045a9
SHA1 Checksum c8261feaff24406a806a050646ba3af0003aaa98
CRC32: 56a74d0f
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL a3ebb80cba7a8215876999187c008e00 50.00 KB
Program Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Standard SP2 2009
Company Dell
OS Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 51200
MD5 Checksum a3ebb80cba7a8215876999187c008e00
SHA1 Checksum 57d54e848cfb12e68a1700ba53225c3f224746d4
CRC32: 31f624a9
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL a3ebb80cba7a8215876999187c008e00 50.00 KB
Program Operating System Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Standard 2008
Company Dell
OS Windows Server 2008 x32
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 51200
MD5 Checksum a3ebb80cba7a8215876999187c008e00
SHA1 Checksum 57d54e848cfb12e68a1700ba53225c3f224746d4
CRC32: 31f624a9
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL a3ebb80cba7a8215876999187c008e00 50.00 KB
Program Operating System Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Standard 2008
Company Dell
OS Windows Server 2008 x64
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 51200
MD5 Checksum a3ebb80cba7a8215876999187c008e00
SHA1 Checksum 57d54e848cfb12e68a1700ba53225c3f224746d4
CRC32: 31f624a9
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL a3ebb80cba7a8215876999187c008e00 50.00 KB
Program Operating System Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Standard 2008
Company Dell
OS Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 51200
MD5 Checksum a3ebb80cba7a8215876999187c008e00
SHA1 Checksum 57d54e848cfb12e68a1700ba53225c3f224746d4
CRC32: 31f624a9
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL 81dc83220fbe34a46b4adc35c73045a9 59.50 KB
Program Dell Operating System Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Standard 32-bit and 64-bit 2008
Company Dell
OS Windows Server 2008 Standard
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 60928
MD5 Checksum 81dc83220fbe34a46b4adc35c73045a9
SHA1 Checksum c8261feaff24406a806a050646ba3af0003aaa98
CRC32: 56a74d0f
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL a3ebb80cba7a8215876999187c008e00 50.00 KB
Program Dell Operating System Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Standard 32-bit and 64-bit 2008
Company Dell
OS Windows Server 2008 Standard
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 51200
MD5 Checksum a3ebb80cba7a8215876999187c008e00
SHA1 Checksum 57d54e848cfb12e68a1700ba53225c3f224746d4
CRC32: 31f624a9
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL 02e4d3f863d35823b23490b189b3b8db 52.00 KB
Program Windows Embedded Standard 7 c. 2011
Company Microsoft
OS Windows Server 2008 R2
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 53248
MD5 Checksum 02e4d3f863d35823b23490b189b3b8db
SHA1 Checksum 109b5dbbdb78d7ea127261dc2bbd0901bc3a291c
CRC32: cc411710
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e 64.50 KB
Program Windows Embedded Standard 7 c. 2011
Company Microsoft
OS Windows Server 2008 R2
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 66048
MD5 Checksum ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e
SHA1 Checksum a82abfb69ec023470d05501f7816d680a7f643b0
CRC32: bccf6e56
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL 02e4d3f863d35823b23490b189b3b8db 52.00 KB
Program Windows Embedded Standard 7 c. 2011
Company Microsoft
OS Windows Vista SP1
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 53248
MD5 Checksum 02e4d3f863d35823b23490b189b3b8db
SHA1 Checksum 109b5dbbdb78d7ea127261dc2bbd0901bc3a291c
CRC32: cc411710
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e 64.50 KB
Program Windows Embedded Standard 7 c. 2011
Company Microsoft
OS Windows Vista SP1
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 66048
MD5 Checksum ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e
SHA1 Checksum a82abfb69ec023470d05501f7816d680a7f643b0
CRC32: bccf6e56
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL 02e4d3f863d35823b23490b189b3b8db 52.00 KB
Program Windows Embedded Standard 7 c. 2011
Company Microsoft
OS Windows 7 SP1
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 53248
MD5 Checksum 02e4d3f863d35823b23490b189b3b8db
SHA1 Checksum 109b5dbbdb78d7ea127261dc2bbd0901bc3a291c
CRC32: cc411710
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e 64.50 KB
Program Windows Embedded Standard 7 c. 2011
Company Microsoft
OS Windows 7 SP1
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 66048
MD5 Checksum ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e
SHA1 Checksum a82abfb69ec023470d05501f7816d680a7f643b0
CRC32: bccf6e56
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL 02e4d3f863d35823b23490b189b3b8db 52.00 KB
Program Windows Embedded Standard 7 c. 2011
Company Microsoft
OS Windows Vista SP2
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 53248
MD5 Checksum 02e4d3f863d35823b23490b189b3b8db
SHA1 Checksum 109b5dbbdb78d7ea127261dc2bbd0901bc3a291c
CRC32: cc411710
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e 64.50 KB
Program Windows Embedded Standard 7 c. 2011
Company Microsoft
OS Windows Vista SP2
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 66048
MD5 Checksum ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e
SHA1 Checksum a82abfb69ec023470d05501f7816d680a7f643b0
CRC32: bccf6e56
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL 02e4d3f863d35823b23490b189b3b8db 52.00 KB
Program Windows Embedded Standard 7 c. 2011
Company Microsoft
OS Windows 7
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 53248
MD5 Checksum 02e4d3f863d35823b23490b189b3b8db
SHA1 Checksum 109b5dbbdb78d7ea127261dc2bbd0901bc3a291c
CRC32: cc411710
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e 64.50 KB
Program Windows Embedded Standard 7 c. 2011
Company Microsoft
OS Windows 7
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 66048
MD5 Checksum ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e
SHA1 Checksum a82abfb69ec023470d05501f7816d680a7f643b0
CRC32: bccf6e56
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e 64.50 KB
Program Windows 7 Professional SP1- 64-Bit c. 2011
Company Dell
OS Windows 7 Professional SP1 x64
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 66048
MD5 Checksum ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e
SHA1 Checksum a82abfb69ec023470d05501f7816d680a7f643b0
CRC32: bccf6e56
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e 64.50 KB
Program Windows 7 Professional SP1- 64-Bit c. 2011
Company Dell
OS Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 66048
MD5 Checksum ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e
SHA1 Checksum a82abfb69ec023470d05501f7816d680a7f643b0
CRC32: bccf6e56
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e 64.50 KB
Program Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64-bit 2010
Company Microsoft
OS Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 x64
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 66048
MD5 Checksum ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e
SHA1 Checksum a82abfb69ec023470d05501f7816d680a7f643b0
CRC32: bccf6e56
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e 64.50 KB
Program Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit 2010
Company Microsoft
OS Windows 7 Professional SP1 x64
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 66048
MD5 Checksum ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e
SHA1 Checksum a82abfb69ec023470d05501f7816d680a7f643b0
CRC32: bccf6e56
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL 02e4d3f863d35823b23490b189b3b8db 52.00 KB
Program Windows 7 Ultimate 2009
Company Microsoft
OS Windows 7 Ultimate
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 53248
MD5 Checksum 02e4d3f863d35823b23490b189b3b8db
SHA1 Checksum 109b5dbbdb78d7ea127261dc2bbd0901bc3a291c
CRC32: cc411710
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e 64.50 KB
Program Windows 7 Ultimate 2009
Company Microsoft
OS Windows 7 Ultimate
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 66048
MD5 Checksum ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e
SHA1 Checksum a82abfb69ec023470d05501f7816d680a7f643b0
CRC32: bccf6e56
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL 02e4d3f863d35823b23490b189b3b8db 52.00 KB
Program Windows 7 Professional 2009
Company Microsoft
OS Windows 7 Professional
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 53248
MD5 Checksum 02e4d3f863d35823b23490b189b3b8db
SHA1 Checksum 109b5dbbdb78d7ea127261dc2bbd0901bc3a291c
CRC32: cc411710
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e 64.50 KB
Program Windows 7 Professional 2009
Company Microsoft
OS Windows 7 Professional
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 66048
MD5 Checksum ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e
SHA1 Checksum a82abfb69ec023470d05501f7816d680a7f643b0
CRC32: bccf6e56
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL 02e4d3f863d35823b23490b189b3b8db 52.00 KB
Program Windows 7 Home Premium 2009
Company Microsoft
OS Windows 7 Home Premium
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 53248
MD5 Checksum 02e4d3f863d35823b23490b189b3b8db
SHA1 Checksum 109b5dbbdb78d7ea127261dc2bbd0901bc3a291c
CRC32: cc411710
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e 64.50 KB
Program Windows 7 Home Premium 2009
Company Microsoft
OS Windows 7 Home Premium
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 66048
MD5 Checksum ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e
SHA1 Checksum a82abfb69ec023470d05501f7816d680a7f643b0
CRC32: bccf6e56
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e 64.50 KB
Program Windows Web Server 2008 R2 2008 R2
Company Microsoft
OS Windows 64-bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 66048
MD5 Checksum ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e
SHA1 Checksum a82abfb69ec023470d05501f7816d680a7f643b0
CRC32: bccf6e56
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e 64.50 KB
Program Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard 2009
Company Dell
OS Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 66048
MD5 Checksum ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e
SHA1 Checksum a82abfb69ec023470d05501f7816d680a7f643b0
CRC32: bccf6e56
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e 64.50 KB
Program Windows 7 Professional 64-bit 2009
Company Microsoft
OS Windows 7 Professional x64
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 66048
MD5 Checksum ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e
SHA1 Checksum a82abfb69ec023470d05501f7816d680a7f643b0
CRC32: bccf6e56
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL 0706ea1ab35f7ac6ab957eccb5b295c3 50.00 KB
Program Windows Vista Ultimate with Service Pack 1 2008
Company Microsoft
OS Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 51200
MD5 Checksum 0706ea1ab35f7ac6ab957eccb5b295c3
SHA1 Checksum 4c057c23a91c8afe682a89797afcd3eca7e6c663
CRC32: dbd8c50e
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL 187911bf1165a1057860463b71074bc2 59.50 KB
Program Windows Vista Ultimate with Service Pack 1 2008
Company Microsoft
OS Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 60928
MD5 Checksum 187911bf1165a1057860463b71074bc2
SHA1 Checksum 3bba11ed964f3eeecfacf8eefcd923f852e6196c
CRC32: 8051c1b9
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL 0706ea1ab35f7ac6ab957eccb5b295c3 50.00 KB
Program Windows Anytime Upgrade Pack 2007
Company Microsoft
OS Windows Vista Home Basic
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 51200
MD5 Checksum 0706ea1ab35f7ac6ab957eccb5b295c3
SHA1 Checksum 4c057c23a91c8afe682a89797afcd3eca7e6c663
CRC32: dbd8c50e
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL 0706ea1ab35f7ac6ab957eccb5b295c3 50.00 KB
Program MSDN Disc 3707 January 2007
Company Microsoft
OS Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 51200
MD5 Checksum 0706ea1ab35f7ac6ab957eccb5b295c3
SHA1 Checksum 4c057c23a91c8afe682a89797afcd3eca7e6c663
CRC32: dbd8c50e
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL 0706ea1ab35f7ac6ab957eccb5b295c3 50.00 KB
Program Dell Operating System c. 2007
Company Dell
OS Windows Vista Ultimate x32
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 51200
MD5 Checksum 0706ea1ab35f7ac6ab957eccb5b295c3
SHA1 Checksum 4c057c23a91c8afe682a89797afcd3eca7e6c663
CRC32: dbd8c50e
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL 0706ea1ab35f7ac6ab957eccb5b295c3 50.00 KB
Program Dell Operating System c. 2007
Company Dell
OS Windows Vista
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 51200
MD5 Checksum 0706ea1ab35f7ac6ab957eccb5b295c3
SHA1 Checksum 4c057c23a91c8afe682a89797afcd3eca7e6c663
CRC32: dbd8c50e
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL 0706ea1ab35f7ac6ab957eccb5b295c3 50.00 KB
Company Dell
OS Windows Vista Business 32 bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 51200
MD5 Checksum 0706ea1ab35f7ac6ab957eccb5b295c3
SHA1 Checksum 4c057c23a91c8afe682a89797afcd3eca7e6c663
CRC32: dbd8c50e
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL 0706ea1ab35f7ac6ab957eccb5b295c3 50.00 KB
Program Reinstallation DVD Windows Vista Business 32BIT 2007
Company Dell
OS Windows Vista Business 32 bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 51200
MD5 Checksum 0706ea1ab35f7ac6ab957eccb5b295c3
SHA1 Checksum 4c057c23a91c8afe682a89797afcd3eca7e6c663
CRC32: dbd8c50e
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL 0706ea1ab35f7ac6ab957eccb5b295c3 50.00 KB
Program Reinstallation DVD Windows Vista Ultimate 32BIT 2007
Company Dell
OS Windows Vista Ultimate x32
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 51200
MD5 Checksum 0706ea1ab35f7ac6ab957eccb5b295c3
SHA1 Checksum 4c057c23a91c8afe682a89797afcd3eca7e6c663
CRC32: dbd8c50e
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL 0706ea1ab35f7ac6ab957eccb5b295c3 50.00 KB
Program DELL Operating System Reinstallation DVD 2008
Company Dell
OS Windows Vista Business 32 bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 51200
MD5 Checksum 0706ea1ab35f7ac6ab957eccb5b295c3
SHA1 Checksum 4c057c23a91c8afe682a89797afcd3eca7e6c663
CRC32: dbd8c50e
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL 0706ea1ab35f7ac6ab957eccb5b295c3 50.00 KB
Program DELL Operating System Reinstallation DVD 2008
Company Dell
OS Windows Vista
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 51200
MD5 Checksum 0706ea1ab35f7ac6ab957eccb5b295c3
SHA1 Checksum 4c057c23a91c8afe682a89797afcd3eca7e6c663
CRC32: dbd8c50e
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL 0706ea1ab35f7ac6ab957eccb5b295c3 50.00 KB
Program Windows Vista Ultimate 32bit SP1 c.2008
Company Dell Inc.
OS Windows Vista SP1 x32
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 51200
MD5 Checksum 0706ea1ab35f7ac6ab957eccb5b295c3
SHA1 Checksum 4c057c23a91c8afe682a89797afcd3eca7e6c663
CRC32: dbd8c50e
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL 0706ea1ab35f7ac6ab957eccb5b295c3 50.00 KB
Program Resinstallation DVD Windows Vista Business 32BIT SP1 2008
Company Dell
OS Windows Vista Business SP1 x32
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 51200
MD5 Checksum 0706ea1ab35f7ac6ab957eccb5b295c3
SHA1 Checksum 4c057c23a91c8afe682a89797afcd3eca7e6c663
CRC32: dbd8c50e
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL 0706ea1ab35f7ac6ab957eccb5b295c3 50.00 KB
Program Resinstallation DVD Windows Vista Business 32BIT SP1 2008
Company Dell
OS Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 51200
MD5 Checksum 0706ea1ab35f7ac6ab957eccb5b295c3
SHA1 Checksum 4c057c23a91c8afe682a89797afcd3eca7e6c663
CRC32: dbd8c50e
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL 0706ea1ab35f7ac6ab957eccb5b295c3 50.00 KB
Program MSDN Disc 3715 January 2007
Company Microsoft
OS Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 51200
MD5 Checksum 0706ea1ab35f7ac6ab957eccb5b295c3
SHA1 Checksum 4c057c23a91c8afe682a89797afcd3eca7e6c663
CRC32: dbd8c50e
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL 187911bf1165a1057860463b71074bc2 59.50 KB
Program Windows Vista
Company Microsoft
OS Windows Vista
Type 32-bit (x32)
Size (Bytes) 60928
MD5 Checksum 187911bf1165a1057860463b71074bc2
SHA1 Checksum 3bba11ed964f3eeecfacf8eefcd923f852e6196c
CRC32: 8051c1b9
Directory C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository ...
+ EP0NMF7B.DLL ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e 64.50 KB
Program Windows 7
Company Microsoft
OS Windows 7
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 66048
MD5 Checksum ad48b64322c955112a85c15e31b33a9e
SHA1 Checksum a82abfb69ec023470d05501f7816d680a7f643b0
CRC32: bccf6e56
Directory C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository ...

Common EP0NMF7B.DLL Issues

The most common EP0NMF7B.DLL errors that can appear on a Windows-based computer are:

Windows 7 Professional SP1 32-bit-related EP0NMF7B.DLL issues happen during installation, when EP0NMF7B.DLL-related software is running, startup/shutdown, or during the Windows installation process. Notating when EP0NMF7B.DLL errors occur is paramount in finding the cause of the Windows 7 Professional SP1 32-bit problems and reporting them to Microsoft for help.

Root of EP0NMF7B.DLL Problems

Typically, EP0NMF7B.DLL problems attribute to a corrupt / missing EP0NMF7B.DLL. External files like EP0NMF7B.DLL create high-probability problems with Windows 7 Professional SP1 32-bit.

EP0NMF7B.DLL files get corrupted from malware, bad shutdowns (OS or Windows 7 Professional SP1 32-bit), and other EP0NMF7B.DLL-involved scenarios. Corrupt EP0NMF7B.DLL files prevent correct loading, which leads to Windows 7 Professional SP1 32-bit or EP0NMF7B.DLL error messages.

Other times, EP0NMF7B.DLL file errors could be related to issues in the Windows registry. These busted EP0NMF7B.DLL path references cause errors with Windows 7 Professional SP1 32-bit due to improper EP0NMF7B.DLL registering. Moving a EP0NMF7B.DLL, missing EP0NMF7B.DLL files, or bad/leftover file reference from improper Windows 7 Professional SP1 32-bit install/uninstalls cause these to break.

In particular, EP0NMF7B.DLL problems originate with:

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