How To Fix DlclfRC.dll Not Found Errors [SOLVED]

In most cases, dlclfRC.dll DLL file problems are due to the file missing or being corrupted (by malware / virus) in the Windows 10 Education N x86 file store. Obtaining a new, uninfected copy of your DLL file will usually resolve the problem. As a last measure, we recommend using a registry cleaner to repair any invalid dlclfRC.dll, DLL file extension, and other file path references which could be causing the error message.

The Dynamic Link Library, known as a propriety format of System Files, most commonly carry the DLL extension. Our collection of dlclfRC.dll files for %%os%% can be found in the listings below. Some dlclfRC.dll versions are not in our database, so please click the "Request" button to have our staff retrieve it. Additionally, Microsoft can also be a source of some rare files which we do not have in our directory.

If you've successfully replaced the file in the right location, your issues with dlclfRC.dll should be resolved. We recommend running a quick test to confirm that's the case. Re-load Windows 10 Education N x86 to observe if the issue has been successfully solved.

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DlclfRC.dll File Summary
File Type: DLL
Function: Operating System
Program: Windows 10 Education N x86
ID: 1607
Author: Microsoft
File Name: dlclfRC.dll  
Size (Bytes): 76288
SHA-1: 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
MD5: 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
CRC32: 1bf47045



Select OS Version



File File ID (MD5 Checksum) KB Download
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Education N x86 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 32-bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Education N x86 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Technical Preview March 2015
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Enterprise N 1703
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 Enterprise N x32
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Enterprise N 1703
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB N x64 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 64-bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB N x64 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 N (Multiple Editions) 1703 April 4, 2017
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 N x64
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 N (Multiple Editions) 1703 April 4, 2017
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Enterprise 1703, 04/04/17
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Enterprise 1703, 04/04/17
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 Enterprise x64
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Enterprise 1703, 04/04/17
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 Enterprise x32
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Enterprise 1703, 04/04/17
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Education 1703, 04/04/17
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 64-bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Education 1703, 04/04/17
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 32-bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Education 1703, 04/04/17
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Education 1703, 04/04/17
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 (Mulitple Editions) 1703, 04/04/17
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 Pro x32
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 (Mulitple Editions) 1703, 04/04/17
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 Home x32
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 (Mulitple Editions) 1703, 04/04/17
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 (Mulitple Editions) 1703, 04/04/17
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 32-bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 N (Multiple Editions) (x86) 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 N x32
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 N (Multiple Editions) (x86) 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 (Multiple Editions) 1703
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 64-bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 (Multiple Editions) 1703
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 32-bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 (Multiple Editions) 1703
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 (Multiple Editions) 1703
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 (Multiple Editions) 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 64-bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 (Multiple Editions) 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 32-bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 (Multiple Editions) 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 (Multiple Editions) 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 (Multiple Editions) (x86) 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 32-bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 (Multiple Editions) (x86) 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll f3f545b0bebb54f25e78e462c73500ab 49.00 KB
App Windows Server 2012 Datacenter 2012
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows Server 2012
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 50176
MD5 Checksum f3f545b0bebb54f25e78e462c73500ab
SHA1 f27bc7fe05ede5e29b1da82a092d17e61ceb2184
CRC32: 4cb0db57
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll f3f545b0bebb54f25e78e462c73500ab 49.00 KB
App Windows Server 2012 Datacenter 2012
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 64-bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 50176
MD5 Checksum f3f545b0bebb54f25e78e462c73500ab
SHA1 f27bc7fe05ede5e29b1da82a092d17e61ceb2184
CRC32: 4cb0db57
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll f3f545b0bebb54f25e78e462c73500ab 49.00 KB
App Windows MultiPoint Server Premium 2012 2012
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 64-bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 50176
MD5 Checksum f3f545b0bebb54f25e78e462c73500ab
SHA1 f27bc7fe05ede5e29b1da82a092d17e61ceb2184
CRC32: 4cb0db57
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll f3f545b0bebb54f25e78e462c73500ab 49.00 KB
App MSDN disc 4617.02 March 2013
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 50176
MD5 Checksum f3f545b0bebb54f25e78e462c73500ab
SHA1 f27bc7fe05ede5e29b1da82a092d17e61ceb2184
CRC32: 4cb0db57
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 22e38c771b27acf7d63657c0da6887db 49.00 KB
App MSDN Disc 5086 November 2012
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 50176
MD5 Checksum 22e38c771b27acf7d63657c0da6887db
SHA1 af5f47eaa041e267d6c727e7e0cacd2083e5fa31
CRC32: 40b21a1a
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll f3f545b0bebb54f25e78e462c73500ab 49.00 KB
App MSDN Disc 5085 November 2012
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 50176
MD5 Checksum f3f545b0bebb54f25e78e462c73500ab
SHA1 f27bc7fe05ede5e29b1da82a092d17e61ceb2184
CRC32: 4cb0db57
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 64-bit 10
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 64-bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 32-bit 10
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 32-bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Full Version 2015
Software Developer Microsoft Corporation
Operating System Windows 10 64-bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Full Version 2015
Software Developer Microsoft Corporation
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll f3f545b0bebb54f25e78e462c73500ab 49.00 KB
App Windows 8 Pro 2012
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 8 Pro x64
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 50176
MD5 Checksum f3f545b0bebb54f25e78e462c73500ab
SHA1 f27bc7fe05ede5e29b1da82a092d17e61ceb2184
CRC32: 4cb0db57
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 22e38c771b27acf7d63657c0da6887db 49.00 KB
App Windows 8 Pro 2012
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 8 Pro x64
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 50176
MD5 Checksum 22e38c771b27acf7d63657c0da6887db
SHA1 af5f47eaa041e267d6c727e7e0cacd2083e5fa31
CRC32: 40b21a1a
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll f3f545b0bebb54f25e78e462c73500ab 49.00 KB
App Windows 8 Pro 2012
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 8 Pro x32
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 50176
MD5 Checksum f3f545b0bebb54f25e78e462c73500ab
SHA1 f27bc7fe05ede5e29b1da82a092d17e61ceb2184
CRC32: 4cb0db57
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 22e38c771b27acf7d63657c0da6887db 49.00 KB
App Windows 8 Pro 2012
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 8 Pro x32
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 50176
MD5 Checksum 22e38c771b27acf7d63657c0da6887db
SHA1 af5f47eaa041e267d6c727e7e0cacd2083e5fa31
CRC32: 40b21a1a
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 ISO x64 dl. 2017-05-18
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 64-bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 ISO x64 dl. 2017-05-18
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Education N x64 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 N x64
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Education N x64 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 64-bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Education N x64 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
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SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
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File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
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App Windows 10 Education x64 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 64-bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
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SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Education x64 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB x64 Aug. 10, 2016
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 64-bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
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App Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB x64 Aug. 10, 2016
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Enterprise (x64) 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 Enterprise x64
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Enterprise (x64) 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 Enterprise
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Enterprise (x64) 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 N (Multiple Editions) (x64) 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 N
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 N (Multiple Editions) (x64) 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 ISO x32 dl. 2017-05-18
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 32-bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 ISO x32 dl. 2017-05-18
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Education x86 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 32-bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Education x86 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB x86 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 32-bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB x86 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB x86 Aug. 10, 2016
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 32-bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB x86 Aug. 10, 2016
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86) 1511
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 32-bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86) 1511
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86) 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 Enterprise N x32
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86) 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 Enterprise N
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Enterprise N (x86) 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Enterprise (x86) 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 Enterprise x32
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Enterprise (x86) 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 Enterprise
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Enterprise (x86) 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64) 1511
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 64-bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64) 1511
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64) 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 Enterprise N x64
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64) 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10 Enterprise N
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea 74.50 KB
App Windows 10 Enterprise N (x64) 1607
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 8731760be8f8729830f3de2fc517d5ea
SHA1 48f96f449256a7012e8718621821e4f57dbf847e
CRC32: f80eb87d
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 10
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository ...
+ dlclfRC.dll 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314 74.50 KB
App Windows 8.1
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 8.1
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 76288
MD5 Checksum 2a467ed3dcccc7cafb6fc01bf134d314
SHA1 10aba959c652023dcf5463602abd6d5d152aee5d
CRC32: 1bf47045
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository ...
+ dlclfRC.dll 22e38c771b27acf7d63657c0da6887db 49.00 KB
App Windows 8
Software Developer Microsoft
Operating System Windows 8
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 50176
MD5 Checksum 22e38c771b27acf7d63657c0da6887db
SHA1 af5f47eaa041e267d6c727e7e0cacd2083e5fa31
CRC32: 40b21a1a
File Directory Location C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository ...

Common DlclfRC.dll Issues

Partial List of dlclfRC.dll Windows 10 Education N x86 Errors:

Windows 10 Education N x86 dlclfRC.dll problems occur with installation, while dlclfRC.dll-related software runs, during shutdown or startup, or less-commonly during operating system updates. Notating when dlclfRC.dll errors occur is paramount in finding the cause of the Windows 10 Education N x86 problems and reporting them to Microsoft for help.

DlclfRC.dll Problem Causes

A missing dlclfRC.dll file (or corrupted dlclfRC.dll file) is usually the problem source. Commonly, Windows 10 Education N x86 problems happen due to dlclfRC.dll being an externally-sourced file.

Improperly shutting down your PC or getting a virus infection could corrupt the dlclfRC.dll, which could lead to ActiveX errors. Windows 10 Education N x86 then can't load with dlclfRC.dll being corrupted, causing the dlclfRC.dll-related errors.

In other cases, registry problems with dlclfRC.dll can be the source of the Windows 10 Education N x86 problem. These busted dlclfRC.dll path references cause errors with Windows 10 Education N x86 due to improper dlclfRC.dll registering. Bad install/uninstall of Windows 10 Education N x86, dlclfRC.dll that's moved, or a missing dlclfRC.dll can create these broken file path references.

In particular, dlclfRC.dll problems originate with:

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