DLL problems with CNBO157.DLL most often stem from a corrupt or missing file associated with MSDN Disc 3625. Ordinarily, installing a new version of the DLL file will repair the problem creating the error. Furthermore, keeping your registry clean and optimized can prevent invalid file path (like CNBO157.DLL) and file extension references, so we recommend running a registry scan cleanup regularly.
The Dynamic Link Library, known as a propriety format of System Files, most commonly carry the DLL extension. If you need to replace your CNBO157.DLL file, you can find a %%os%% version in our database listed in the table below. If your exact CNBO157.DLL version is not currently available, please request a copy by hitting the "Request" button next to the file version you need. We also recommend contacting Microsoft directly if you cannot find your need version below.
These types of errors will normally stop occuring if the correct CNBO157.DLL file version is placed in the right location, but you should double-check that is the case. To confim it's resolved, try starting up MSDN Disc 3625 to see if the error can be triggered.
"MSDN Disc 3625 failed to start because CNBO157.DLL not found. Re-installing MSDN Disc 3625 may fix it."
Usually CNBO157.DLL errors with MSDN Disc 3625 happen during startup or shutdown, while CNBO157.DLL related applications are running, or rarely during the OS update sequence. Documenting CNBO157.DLL problem occasions in MSDN Disc 3625 is key to determine cause of the MSDN Library problems, and reporting them to Microsoft.
Problem Sources of CNBO157.DLL
Missing or corrupt CNBO157.DLL files are common sources of CNBO157.DLL errors. Because CNBO157.DLL is an external file, it presents a great opportunity for something undesirable to occur.
Improper computer shutdowns or malware-infected CNBO157.DLL files can cause issues with MSDN Disc 3625, leading to corrupt errors. When your CNBO157.DLL file becomes corrupt, it cannot be loaded properly and will present an error message.
In rare occasions, CNBO157.DLL errors with MSDN Disc 3625 are due to Windows registry faults. These CNBO157.DLL registry problems are due to broken MSDN Disc 3625 file references. Broken CNBO157.DLL registry paths can be attributed to moved CNBO157.DLL files, missing CNBO157.DLL file, or failed installation (or uninstallation) of MSDN Disc 3625.
Specifically, CNBO157.DLL issues created by:
Invalid CNBO157.DLL (or corrupted) registry key.
Virus infestation corrupting CNBO157.DLL file.
Microsoft hardware failure, such as a bad hard drive, which has corrupted the CNBO157.DLL file.
Another program overwrote the required version of CNBO157.DLL.
CNBO157.DLL maliciously, or mistakenly, removed by another program (apart from MSDN Disc 3625).