In most cases, CNB_0274.DLL DLL file problems are due to the file missing or being corrupted (by malware / virus) in the Windows 7 Professional SP1 32-bit file store. The primary way to resolve these problems manually is to replace the DLL file with a fresh copy. Moreover, as an overall cleanup and preventive measure, we recommend using a registry cleaner to cleanup any invalid file, DLL file extension, or registry key entries to prevent related error messages.
An Dynamic Link Library format that carries the DLL file extension are classified as System Files. Our collection of CNB_0274.DLL files for %%os%% can be found in the listings below. If we do not have a copy of your CNB_0274.DLL version, you can simply hit the "Request" button to request a copy. In some rare cases you might need to contact Microsoft directly for the correct file version you need.
Most of your CNB_0274.DLL problems should be resolved if the file is placed in the correct file path directory, but it's a good idea to verify it is fixed. Test the outcome of the file replacement by loading Windows 7 Professional SP1 32-bit to see if the error still appears as it did before.
These CNB_0274.DLL-related Windows 7 Professional SP1 32-bit Troubles Include:
"CNB_0274.DLL can't be found."
"CNB_0274.DLL is missing."
"CNB_0274.DLL Access Violation."
"Can't register CNB_0274.DLL."
"Cannot find C:\Windows\System32\\CNB_0274.DLL."
"Cannot start Windows 7 Professional SP1 32-bit. A required component is missing: CNB_0274.DLL. Please install Windows 7 Professional SP1 32-bit again."
"Windows 7 Professional SP1 32-bit failed: CNB_0274.DLL not found. Re-install Windows 7 Professional SP1 32-bit."
Usually CNB_0274.DLL errors with Windows 7 Professional SP1 32-bit happen during startup or shutdown, while CNB_0274.DLL related applications are running, or rarely during the OS update sequence. Notating when CNB_0274.DLL errors occur is paramount in finding the cause of the Windows 7 Professional SP1 32-bit problems and reporting them to Microsoft for help.
Source of CNB_0274.DLL Errors
Most CNB_0274.DLL errors are related to missing or corrupt CNB_0274.DLL files. As an external resource, CNB_0274.DLL files have high likelihood of creating Windows 7 Professional SP1 32-bit errors.
CNB_0274.DLL corruption or malware-infected Windows 7 Professional SP1 32-bit, along with abnormal PC shutdowns, can lead to CNB_0274.DLL errors. After corruption, CNB_0274.DLL cannot load, prompting Windows 7 Professional SP1 32-bit problems on running.
In rare occasions, CNB_0274.DLL errors with Windows 7 Professional SP1 32-bit are due to Windows registry faults. These CNB_0274.DLL registry problems are due to broken Windows 7 Professional SP1 32-bit file references. Leftover Windows 7 Professional SP1 32-bit or CNB_0274.DLL registry keys, moved or missing CNB_0274.DLL, bad installations or uninstallations, can all break CNB_0274.DLL file path references.
Chiefly, complications of CNB_0274.DLL due to:
Invalid CNB_0274.DLL (or corrupted) registry key.
CNB_0274.DLL file corrupted from malware infection.
Microsoft hardware malfunction (eg. printer) caused CNB_0274.DLL corruption.
CNB_0274.DLL file version overwritten by install of another software.
A different program (unrelated to Windows 7 Professional SP1 32-bit) deleted CNB_0274.DLL by mistake (or maliciously).
Malicious uninstallation (or mistaken) of CNB_0274.DLL by another software (not Windows 7 Professional SP1 32-bit).